From: harmonicatn@yahoo.com
Domain: IP info yahoo.com
MX-server: IP info sonic308-9.consmr.mail.ne1.yahoo.com
Size: 4072 Bytes
Create: 2022-03-30
Update: 2022-03-30
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Sorry, no record was found

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "admin@ucfm.org" <admin@ucfm.org>
To: "admin@ucfm.org" <admin@ucfm.org>
Sent: Monday, March 28, 2022, 07:51:22 AM EDT
Subject: UCFM-RESTORE RECORD - tobj8kuc

Following this message are instructions on how to handle this restoration.  Please become familiar with this process before proceeding.

Request to restore record from tobj8kuc

First Name - ehtglr6
Email Address - vzb46k2m@bukanimers.com
DOB - 12/31/2011

l0dbo6s, vwcj58, Zimbabwe  08777

Home Phone - 853579710218
Cell Phone - 853579710218

Denomination - i0tgveb8
Specialty - 97pvuyt

Gender - Female
IP Address -

Member Notes about this request -

Statement of Faith - frasq3l


Most members should have just used the lost password request on the login page. 
1. Perform a member search
2. View their profile notes
3. If already sent their username and password, don't send it again.
4. If nobody sent the username and password to them yet, do so only from within the leadership tools, NOT VIA THIS EMAIL!
5. Check in a few days to see if they ever logged in.  If not, you may want to call to make sure their email address is the same as what we had on file or if they're just taking their time. 

IF THE EMAIL ADDRESS ON THIS FORM DOES NOT MATCH WHAT'S ON FILE, do not update their email address to match this form because this request can be used fraudulently to get ahold of a member's account. Instead, call the member by phone that's recorded in their profile page NOT THE ONE LOCATED IN THIS EMAIL and ask them if they requested a restore and if they want their email address changed.
If the member cannot be found, please forward this email to admin@UCFM.org (Simply click reply) and request that a database search be performed by the webmaster in locating any information on this member. The webmaster is to forward back your email with information found and you should reply to the webmaster if you want the record restored or if you'll be asking the member to reapply instead.

If no authorization to restore a record is returned to the webmaster, no action will be performed on this restoration.