Thanks for downloading Cloudingo! Can I help?

Domain: IP info
MX-server: IP info
Size: 856 Bytes
Create: 2020-06-09
Update: 2020-06-09
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains:

Hi loreum,

Thank you for starting a trial of Cloudingo!

I’m Josh, your point of contact should you need anything. Some people like to dive right in and explore Cloudingo on their own. But if you find yourself stuck, confused, or just simply want to talk to a human being about cleaning and deduping your Salesforce org, let’s have a quick chat. (By the way, here’s a brief video overview.)

One quick question: is there something specific you want to accomplish with Cloudingo?

Josh Davidson
(972) 241-1543 x 113
Symphonic Source Inc., makers of Cloudingo and DupeCatcher