A message from our CEO... ????

From: george.heslop@msif.org
Domain: IP info msif.org
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Size: 34007 Bytes
Create: 2024-03-08
Update: 2024-03-08
Score: 0
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Outbound domains: msif.us5.list-manage.com |
Hi ,

Time is running out to join Cykelnerven International 2024, will you join riders from all over the world in the alps this June? Here's a message from MSIF CEO Peer Baneke, who is joining the team this year...

"This year I will be turning 70 and will retire as CEO of MS International Federation (MSIF). To mark these personal milestones, I will be loading my bike onto my car and joining a group of passionate riders to complete ‘Cykelnerven’, a four-day cycling challenge, tackling some of the toughest mountains of this year’s Tour de France.

We’ll all be raising funds to support MSIF and its aim to bring the world together to end MS. I can’t think of a better farewell gift to ask my friends, colleagues, and family for their sponsorship.

This is a gruelling course, but a huge motivator for me will be thinking of people such as my father, who had MS, and of the daily challenges they face. By completing Cykelnerven and raising funds, I hope that we can be a beacon of hope for anyone affected by MS." - Peer Baneke (CEO MSIF)
Register before the deadline! ⏰ Join us for an unforgettable experience as we pedal through the breath-taking landscapes of the Alps whilst making a difference for those affected by MS.

Don't miss out on this amazing adventure, registration will be closing soon, click here or on the button below to register. 😊
Register Now

Fundraising Officer
Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF)
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Multiple Sclerosis International Federation · 3rd Floor Skyline House · 200 Union Street, Southwark · London, London SE1 0LX · United Kingdom