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Tue, 16 January 2018

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Facilitation of Function and Manipulation Knowledge of Tools Using Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation (tDCS)
Ryo Ishibashi, Tatsuya Mima, Hidenao Fukuyama, and Gorana Pobric
Pulsed Stimuli Elicit More Robust Multisensory Enhancement than Expected
Eva Bach, Barry Stein, John Vaughan, and Benjamin Rowland


Commentary: The Predictive Processing Paradigm Has Roots in Kant
Majid Beni
Differential Influence of Early Life and Adult Stress on Urogenital Sensitivity and Function in Male Mice
Isabella Fuentes, Angela Pierce, Elizabeth Di Silvestro, Molly Maloney, and Julie Christianson


Delineation of Subregions in the Early Postnatal Human Cerebellum for Design-Based Stereologic Studies
Anna Fichtl, Andreas Buettner, Patrick Hof, Christoph Schmitz, and Maren Kiessling
Glial- and Neuronal-Specific Expression of CCL5 mRNA in the Rat Brain
MariaFe Lanfranco, Italo Moccheti, Mark Burns, and Sonia Villapol
Hippocampal Astrocytes in Migrating and Wintering Semipalmated Sandpiper Calidris pusilla
Dario Carvalho Paulo, Nara Magalhães, Daniel Diniz, Ediely Henrique, Isis Moraes, Patrick Pereira, Mauro Melo, Camila Lima, Marcus De Oliveira, Cristovam Guerreiro Diniz, David Sherry, and Cristovam Picanço Diniz
Reductions in Corpus Callosum Volume Partially Mediate Effects of Prenatal Alcohol Exposure on IQ
Stevie Biffen, Christopher Warton, Nadine Lindinger, Steven Randall, Catherine Lewis, Christopher Molteno, Joseph Jacobson, Sandra Jacobson, and Ernesta Meintjes
Stereological Assessments of Neuronal Pathology in Auditory Cortex in Schizophrenia
Emily Parker, and Robert Sweet
Trigeminal, Visceral and Vestibular Inputs May Improve Cognitive Functions by Acting through the Locus Coeruleus and the Ascending Reticular Activating System: A New Hypothesis
Vincenzo De Cicco, Maria Paola Tramonti Fantozzi, Enrico Cataldo, Massimo Barresi, Luca Bruschini, Ugo Faraguna, and Diego Manzoni
Ultrastructural Features of Neurovascular Units in a Rat Model of Chronic Compressive Spinal Cord Injury
Jinghui Xu, Houqing Long, Wenli Chen, Xing Cheng, Haoyang Yu, Yangliang Huang, Xiaobo Wang, and Fobao Li


A Method to Culture GABAergic Interneurons Derived from the Medial Ganglionic Eminence
Sira Franchi, Romina Macco, Veronica Astro, Diletta Tonoli, Elisa Savino, Flavia Valtorta, Kristyna Sala, Martina Botta, and Ivan de Curtis
Biomaterial-Supported Cell Transplantation Treatments for Spinal Cord Injury: Challenges and Perspectives
Shengwen Liu, Thomas Schackel, Norbert Weidner, and Radhika Puttagunta
Enhanced Transmission at the Calyx of Held Synapse in a Mouse Model for Angelman Syndrome
Tiantian Wang, Geeske Woerden, Ype Elgersma, and Gerard Borst
Genome-Edited, TH-expressing Neuroblastoma Cells as a Disease Model for Dopamine-Related Disorders: A Proof-of-Concept Study on DJ-1-deficient Parkinsonism
Jannik Prasuhn, Christoph Martensson, Victor Krajka, Christine Klein, and Aleksandar Rakovic
Intrinsic and Extrinsic Neuromodulation of Olfactory Processing
Kristyn Lizbinski, and Andrew Dacks
Molecular Signatures Underlying Synaptic Vesicle Cargo Retrieval
Yasunori Mori, and Shigeo Takamori
Myelinating Schwann Cell Polarity and Mechanically-Driven Myelin Sheath Elongation
Nicolas Tricaud
Neuregulin 1 Reduces Motoneuron Cell Death and Promotes Neurite Growth in an in Vitro Model of Motoneuron Degeneration
Guillem Mòdol-Caballero, Daniel Santos, Xavier Navarro, and Mireia Herrando-Grabulosa
Neuroprotection Exerted by Netrin-1 and Kinesin Motor KIF1A in Secondary Brain Injury following Experimental Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats
Jun Wang, Weiwei Zhai, Zhengquan Yu, Liang Sun, Haiying Li, Haitao Shen, Xiang Li, Chunfeng Liu, and Gang Chen
Preserved Function of Afferent Parvalbumin-Positive Perisomatic Inhibitory Synapses of Dentate Granule Cells in Rapidly Kindled Mice
Marita Hansen, Litsa Ledri, Deniz Kirik, Merab Kokaia, and Marco Ledri
Proteomic Dissection of Nanotopography-Sensitive Mechanotransductive Signaling Hubs that Foster Neuronal Differentiation in PC12 Cells
Elisa Maffioli, Carsten Schulte, Simona Nonnis, Francesca Grassi Scalvini, Claudio Piazzoni, Cristina Lenardi, Armando Negri, Paolo Milani, and Gabriella Tedeschi
Systematic Analysis of mRNA and miRNA Expression of 3D-Cultured Neural Stem Cells (NSCs) in Spaceflight
Jin Han, Yi Cui, Zhifeng Xiao, Yiduo Qi, Yannan Zhao, Bing Chen, Yongxiang Fang, Sumei Liu, Xianming Wu, and Jianwu Dai
The Calcineurin Inhibitor FK506 Prevents Cognitive Impairment by Inhibiting Reactive Astrogliosis in Pilocarpine-Induced Status Epilepticus Rats
Jinzhi Liu, Zhihua Si, Shuqing Li, Zhan Huang, Yan He, Tao Zhang, and Aihua Wang


A Novel RNA Editing Sensor Tool and a Specific Agonist Determine Neuronal Protein Expression of RNA-Edited Glycine Receptors and Identify a Genomic APOBEC1 Dimorphism as a New Genetic Risk Factor of Epilepsy
Svenja Kankowski, Benjamin Förstera, Aline Winkelmann, Pina Knauff, Erich Wanker, Xintian You, Marcus Semtner, Florian Hetsch, and Jochen Meier
A Protein Aggregation Inhibitor, Leuco-Methylthioninium Bis(Hydromethanesulfonate), Decreases α-Synuclein Inclusions in a Transgenic Mouse Model of Synucleinopathy
Karima Schwab, Silke Frahm, David Horsley, Janet Rickard, Valeria Melis, Elizabeth Goatman, Mandy Magbagbeolu, Morag Douglas, Michael Leith, John Storey, Gernot Riedel, Claude Wischik, Charles Harrington, and Franz Theuring
AMPA Receptor Trafficking in Natural and Pathological Aging
Sandra Jurado
Disturbed Processing of Contextual Information in HCN3 Channel Deficient Mice
Marc Stieglitz, Stefanie Fenske, Verena Hammelmann, Elvir Becirovic, Verena Schöttle, James Delorme, Martha Schöll-Weidinger, Robert Mader, Jan Deussing, David Wolfer, Mathias Seeliger, Urs Albrecht, Carsten Wotjak, Martin Biel, Stylianos Michalakis, and Christian Wahl-Schott
Evidence for a Pan-Neurodegenerative Disease Response in Huntington's and Parkinson's Disease Expression Profiles
Adam Labadorf, Seung-Hoan Choi, and Richard Myers
Fragile X Mental Retardation Protein Regulates Activity-Dependent Membrane Trafficking and Trans-Synaptic Signaling Mediating Synaptic Remodeling
James Sears, and Kendal Broadie
Icariin Reduces Dopaminergic Neuronal Loss and Microglia-Mediated Inflammation in Vivo and in Vitro
Guo-Qing Wang, Dai-Di Li, Chun Huang, Di-Sheng Lu, Chao Zhang, Shao-Yu Zhou, Jie Liu, and Feng Zhang
Microglia Gone Rogue: Impacts on Psychiatric Disorders across the Lifespan
Tuan Tay, Catherine Bechade, Ivana Andrea, Marie-Kim St-Pierre, Mathilde Henry, Anne Roumier, and Marie-Eve Tremblay
Negative Effects of Chronic Rapamycin Treatment on Behavior in a Mouse Model of Fragile X Syndrome
Rachel Sare, Alex Song, Inna Loutaev, Anna Cook, Isabella Maita, Abigail Lemons, Carrie Sheeler, and Carolyn Smith
P2X7 Nucleotide and EGF Receptors Exert Dual Modulation of the Dual-Specificity Phosphatase 6 (MKP-3) in Granule Neurons and Astrocytes, Contributing to Negative Feedback on ERK Signaling
Maria Jose Queipo, Juan Carlos Gil-Redondo, Veronica Morente, Felipe Ortega, Maria Teresa Miras-Portugal, Esmerilda Delicado, and Raquel Perez-Sen
Profiling and Co-expression Network Analysis of Learned Helplessness Regulated mRNAs and lncRNAs in the Mouse Hippocampus
Chaoqun Li, Feifei Cao, Shengli Li, Shenglin Huang, Wei Li, and Nashat Abumaria
Recapitulating X-Linked Juvenile Retinoschisis in Mouse Model by Knock-In Patient-Specific Novel Mutation
Ding Chen, Tao Xu, Mengjun Tu, Jinlin Xu, Weiwei Zheng, Tanchu Yang, Xiubin He, Chenchen Zhou, Lulu Cheng, Xianglian Ge, Jin Li, Zongming Song, Junzhao Zhao, and Feng Gu
Regulation of Adult CNS Axonal Regeneration by the Post-transcriptional Regulator Cpeb1
Wilson Pak-Kin Lou, Alvaro Mateos, Marta Koch, Stefan Klussmann, Chao Yang, Na Lu, Sachin Kumar, Stefanie Limpert, Manuel Göpferich, Marlen Zschaetzsch, Christopher Sliwinski, Marc Kenzelmann, Matthias Seedorf, Carlos Maillo, Elena Senis, Dirk Grimm, Radhika Puttagunta, Raul Mendez, Kai Liu, Bassem Hassan, and Ana Martin-Villalba
SIRT1/PGC-1α Signaling Promotes Mitochondrial Functional Recovery and Reduces Apoptosis after Intracerebral Hemorrhage in Rats
Yang Zhou, Shaohua Wang, Yixin Li, Shanshan Yu, and Yong Zhao
Sphingolipid Metabolism Is Dysregulated at Transcriptomic and Metabolic Levels in the Spinal Cord of an Animal Model of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Alexandre Henriques, Vincent Croixmarie, Alexandra Bouscary, Althea Mosbach, Céline Keime, Claire Boursier-Neyret, Bernard Walther, Michael Spedding, and Jean-Philippe Loeffler
The Effect of MCM3AP-AS1/miR-211/KLF5/AGGF1 Axis Regulating Glioblastoma Angiogenesis
Chunqing Yang, Jian Zheng, Yixue Xue, Hai Yu, Xiaobai Liu, Jun Ma, Libo Liu, Ping Wang, Zhen Li, Heng Cai, and Yunhui Liu
The GlyT1 Inhibitor Bitopertin Ameliorates Allodynia and Hyperalgesia in Animal Models of Neuropathic and Inflammatory Pain
Anja Armbruster, Elene Neumann, Valentin Kötter, Henning Hermanns, Robert Werdehausen, and Volker Eulenburg
Tonically Active α2 Subunit-Containing Glycine Receptors Regulate the Excitability of Striatal Medium Spiny Neurons
Svetlana Molchanova, Joris Comhair, Deniz Karadurmus, Elisabeth Piccart, Robert Harvey, Jean-Michel Rigo, Serge Schiffmann, Bert Brône, and David Gall

Section "Brain Imaging Methods"

PAIR Comparison between Two Within-Group Conditions of Resting-State fMRI Improves Classification Accuracy
Zhen Zhou, Jian-Bao Wang, Yu-Feng Zang, and Gang Pan

Section "Neurogenesis"

Neuronal Migration and Lamination in the Vertebrate Retina
Rana Amini, Mauricio Rocha-Martins, and Caren Norden

Section "Neural Technology"

Conductive Hydrogel Electrodes for Delivery of Long-Term High Frequency Pulses
Naomi Staples, Josef Goding, Aaron Gilmour, Kirill Aristovich, Philip Byrnes-Preston, David Holder, John Morley, Nigel Lovell, Daniel Chew, and Rylie Green

Section "Neurodegeneration"

DnaJ/Hsp40 Family and Parkinson's Disease
Takafumi Hasegawa, Shun Yoshida, Naoto Sugeno, Junpei Kobayashi, and Masashi Aoki
Drosophila melanogaster White Mutant w1118 Undergo Retinal Degeneration
María José Ferreiro, Coralia Pérez, Mariana Marchesano, Santiago Ruiz, Angel Caputi, Pedro Aguilera, Rosa Barrio, and Rafael Cantera
Imaging of Neuronal Activity in Awake Mice by Measurements of Flavoprotein Autofluorescence Corrected for Cerebral Blood Flow
Manami Takahashi, Takuya Urushihata, Hiroyuki Takuwa, Kazumi Sakata, Yuhei Takado, Eiji Shimizu, Tetsuya Suhara, Makoto Higuchi, and Hiroshi Ito
Metabolic Abnormalities of Erythrocytes as a Risk Factor for Alzheimer's Disease
Elena Kosenko, Lyudmila Tikhonova, Carmina Montoliu, George E. Barreto, Gjumrakch Aliev, and Yury Kaminsky
Parkinson's Disease Skin Fibroblasts Display Signature Alterations in Growth, Redox Homeostasis, Mitochondrial Function, and Autophagy
Joji Teves, Vedanshi Bhargava, Konner Kirwan, Mandi Corenblum, Rebecca Justiniano, Georg Wondrak, Anandhan Annadurai, Andrew Flores, David Schipper, Zain Khalpey, James Sligh, Clara Curiel-Lewandrowski, Scott Sherman, and Lalitha Madhavan
Pivotal Role of Adenosine Neurotransmission in Restless Legs Syndrome
Sergi Ferré, César Quiroz, Xavier Guitart, William Rea, Arta Seyedian, Estefanía Moreno, Verónica Casadó-Anguera, Manuel Díaz-Rios, Vicent Casado, Stefan Clemens, Richard Allen, Christopher Earley, and Diego García-Borrerreguero
Small RNA Sequencing of Sporadic Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Cerebrospinal Fluid Reveals Differentially Expressed miRNAs Related to Neural and Glial Activity
Rachel Waller, Matthew Wyles, Paul Heath, Mbombe Kazoka, Helen Wollff, Pamela Shaw, and Janine Kirby
Targeted Serum Metabolite Profiling Identifies Metabolic Signatures in Patients with Alzheimer's Disease, Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus and Brain Tumor
Matej Oresic, Gabriella Andersson, Ismo Mattila, Manoucher Manoucheri, Hilkka Soininen, Tuulia Hyötyläinen, and Cherlynn Basignani

Section "Decision Neuroscience"

Rostro-Caudal Organization of Connectivity between Cingulate Motor Areas and Lateral Frontal Regions
Kep Kee Loh, Fadila Hadj-Bouziane, Emmanuel Procyk, Michael Petrides, and Céline Amiez

Section "Neuroprosthetics"

Benchmarking Brain-Computer Interfaces Outside the Laboratory: The Cybathlon 2016
Domen Novak, Roland Sigrist, Nicolas Gerig, Dario Wyss, René Bauer, Ulrich Götz, and Robert Riener
Decoding of Ankle Flexion and Extension from Cortical Current Sources Estimated from Non-invasive Brain Activity Recording Methods
Alejandra Mejia Tobar, Rikiya Hyoudou, Kahori Kita, Tatsuhiro Nakamura, Hiroyuki Kambara, Yousuke Ogata, Takashi Hanakawa, Yasuharu Koike, and Natsue Yoshimura
George Marinesco in the Constellation of Modern Neuroscience
Ioan Opris, Valeriu Nestianu, Adrian Nestianu, Liviu Bilteanu, and Jean Ciurea

Section "Auditory Cognitive Neuroscience"

Does Otovestibular Loss in the Autosomal Dominant Disorder DFNA9 Have an Impact of on Cognition? A Systematic Review
Jonas De Belder, Stijn Matthysen, Annes Claes, Griet Mertens, Paul Van de Heyning, and Vincent Van Rompaey

Section "Neuropharmacology"

Frontal Control Process in Intentional Forgetting: Electrophysiological Evidence
Heming Gao, Mingming Qi, and Qi Zhang

Section "Perception Science"

How Might the Relation of the Development of Hand Preferences to the Development of Cognitive Functions be Examined During Infancy: A Sketch?
George Michel
No Effects of Non-invasive Brain Stimulation on Multiple Sessions of Object-Location-Memory Training in Healthy Older Adults
Nadine Külzow, Angelica Vieira Cavalcanti de Sousa, Magda Cesarz, Julie-Marie Hanke, Alida Günsberg, Solvejg Harder, Swantje Koblitz, Ulrike Grittner, and Agnes Flöel
No Effects of Stimulating the Left Ventrolateral Prefrontal Cortex with tDCS on Verbal Working Memory Updating
Karolina Lukasik, Minna Lehtonen, Juha Salmi, Marcus Meinzer, Juho Joutsa, and Matti Laine


Commentary: Synaptic vesicle glycoprotein 2C (SV2C) modulates dopamine release and is disrupted in Parkinson disease


Age-Modulated Associations between KIBRA, Brain Volume, and Verbal Memory among Healthy Older Adults
Ariana Stickel, Kevin Kawa, Katrin Walther, Elizabeth Glisky, Ryan Richholt, Matt Huentelman, and Lee Ryan
Age-Related Differences in Hearing Function and Cochlear Morphology between Male and Female Fischer 344 Rats
Jiri Popelar, Zuzana Balogova, Francesca Chiumenti, Tetyana Chumak, Jana Burianová, Natalia Rybalko, and Josef Syka


Aging and Network Properties: Stability Over Time and Links with Learning during Working Memory Training
Alexandru Iordan, Katherine Cooke, Kyle Moored, Benjamin Katz, Martin Buschkuehl, Susanne Jaeggi, John Jonides, Scott Peltier, Thad Polk, and Patricia Reuter-Lorenz
Application of a Simplified Method for Estimating Perfusion Derived from Diffusion-Weighted MR Imaging in Glioma Grading
Mengqiu Cao, Shiteng Suo, Xu Han, Ke Jin, Yawen Sun, Yao Wang, Jianxun Qu, Xiaohua Zhang, and Yan Zhou
Association of Peripheral Interleukin-6 with Global Cognitive Decline in Non-demented Adults: A Meta-Analysis of Prospective Studies
Steven Bradburn, Jane Sarginson, and Chris Murgatroyd
Brain Network Modularity Predicts Exercise-Related Executive Function Gains in Older Adults
Pauline Baniqued, Courtney Gallen, Michelle Voss, Agnieszka Burzynska, Chelsea Wong, Gillian Cooke, Kristin Duffy, Jason Fanning, Diane Ehlers, Elizabeth Awick, Susan Aguiñaga, Edward McAuley, Arthur Kramer, and Mark D'Esposito
Commentary: Comparison of the Long-Term Effect of Positioning the Cathode in tDCS in Tinnitus Patients
Yang-Soo Yoon, Byungkwan Hwang, and Allison Coltisor
Commentary: Effects of Video Game Training on Measures of Selective Attention and Working Memory in Older Adults: Results from a Randomized Controlled Trial
Elzbieta Szelag
Declines in Connected Language Are Associated with Very Early Mild Cognitive Impairment: Results from the Wisconsin Registry for Alzheimer’s Prevention
Kimberly Mueller, Rebecca Koscik, Bruce Hermann, Sterling Johnson, and Lyn Turkstra
Disparate Effects of Lithium and a GSK-3 Inhibitor on Neuronal Oscillatory Activity in Prefrontal Cortex and Hippocampus
Tuan Nguyen, Theresa Fan, Susan George, and Melissa Perreault
Influences of 12-Week Physical Activity Interventions on TMS Measures of Cortical Network Inhibition and Upper Extremity Motor Performance in Older Adults—A Feasibility Study
Keith McGregor, Bruce Crosson, Kevin Mammino, Paul Garcia, and Joe Nocera
Innovations in Doctoral Training and Research on Tinnitus: The European School on Interdisciplinary Tinnitus Research (ESIT) Perspective
Winfried Schlee, Deborah Hall, Barbara Canlon, Rilana Cima, Emile De Kleine, Franz Hauck, Alex Huber, Silvano Gallus, Tobias Kleinjung, Theo Kypraios, Berthold Langguth, Jose Lopez-Escamez, Alessandra Lugo, Martin Meyer, Marzena Mielczarek, Arnaud Norena, Flurin Pfiffner, Rüdiger Pryss, Manfred Reichert, Teresa Requena, Martin Schecklmann, Pim Van Dijk, Paul VAN DE HEYNING, Nathan Weisz, and Christopher Cederroth
Longitudinal Analysis of Fecal Microbiome and Pathologic Processes in a Rotenone Induced Mice Model of Parkinson’s Disease
Xiaodong Yang, Yiwei Qian, Shaoqing Xu, Yanyan Song, and Qin Xiao
Physiological Aging Influence on Brain Hemodynamic Activity during Task-Switching: A fNIRS Study
Roberta Vasta, Simone Cutini, Antonio Cerasa, Vera Gramigna, Giuseppe Olivadese, Gennarina Arabia, and Aldo Quattrone
Reducing the Levels of Akt Activation by PDK1 Knock-in Mutation Protects Neuronal Cultures against Synthetic Amyloid-Beta Peptides
Shaobin Yang, Sònia Pascual-Guiral, Rebeca Ponce, Lydia Giménez-Llort, Maria Baltrons, Ottavio Arancio, Jose Palacio, Victoria Clos, Victor Yuste, and Jose Bayascas
Salience Network and Depressive Severities in Parkinson’s Disease with Mild Cognitive Impairment: A Structural Covariance Network Analysis
Ya Ting Chang, Cheng-Hsien Lu, Ming-Kung Wu, Shih-wei Hsu, Chi-Wei Huang, Wen-Neng Chang, Chia-Yi Lien, Jun-Jun Lee, Chiung-Chih Chang, and Yen-Yu Chen
Sex Hormones and Healthy Psychological Aging in Women
Esperanza Navarro-Pardo, Carol Holland, and Antonio Cano
Smartphone Applications Can Serve as Effective Cognitive Training Tools in Healthy Aging
Blanka Klimova, and Martin Valis
The Correlation between Early Stages of Life Exposed to Chinese Famine and Cognitive Decline in Adulthood: Nutrition of Adulthood Plays an Important Role in the Link?
Hongguo Rong, Yuandi Xi, Yu An, Lingwei Tao, Xiaona Zhang, Huiyan Yu, Ying Wang, Zhongsheng Qin, and Rong Xiao
Ventricular and Periventricular Anomalies in the Aging and Cognitively Impaired Brain
Krysti Todd, Tessa Brighton, Emily Norton, Samuel Schick, Wendy Elkins, Olga Pletnikova, Richard Fortinsky, Juan Troncoso, Peter Molfese, Susan Resnick, and Joanne Conover


A Novel Early Diagnosis System for Mild Cognitive Impairment Based on Local Region Analysis: A Pilot Study
Fatma EL-Zahraa El-Gamal, Mohammed Elmogy, Mohammed Ghazal, Ahmed Atwan, Manuel Casanova, Gregory Barnes, Ayman El-Baz, and Ashraf Khalil
Altered Parietal Activation during Non-symbolic Number Comparison in Children with Prenatal Alcohol Exposure
Keri Woods, Christopher Molteno, Joseph Jacobson, Sandra Jacobson, and Ernesta Meintjes
An fMRI-Neuronavigated Chronometric TMS Investigation of V5 and Intraparietal Cortex in Motion Driven Attention
Bonnie Alexander, Robin Laycock, David Crewther, and Sheila Crewther
Categorization for Faces and Tools—Two Classes of Objects Shaped by Different Experience—Differs in Processing Timing, Brain Areas Involved, and Repetition Effects
Vladimir Kozunov, Anastasia Nikolaeva, and Tatiana Stroganova
Correlation of BOLD Signal with Linear and Nonlinear Patterns of EEG in Resting State EEG-Informed fMRI
Galina Portnova, Vladislav Balaev, Alina Tetereva, Mikhail Atanov, Alexey Ivanitsky, Ludmila Skiteva, Vladimir Ushakov, and Olga Martynova
Different Topological Properties of EEG-Derived Networks Describe Working Memory Phases as Revealed by Graph Theoretical Analysis
Jlenia Toppi, Laura Astolfi, Monica Risetti, Alessandra Anzolin, Silvia Kober, Guilherme Wood, and Donatella Mattia
Dopaminergic Therapy Increases Go Timeouts in the Go/No-Go Task in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease
Xue Qing Yang, Brian Lauzon, Ken Seergobin, and Penny MacDonald
Effective Synchronization of EEG and EMG for Mobile Brain/Body Imaging in Clinical Settings
Fiorenzo Artoni, Annalisa Barsotti, Eleonora Guanziroli, Silvestro Micera, Alberto Landi, and Franco Molteni
Effects of Acute Alcohol Intoxication on Empathic Neural Responses for Pain
Yang Hu, Zhuoya Cui, Mingxia Fan, and Zhao-Xin Wang
Extinction of Conditioned Fear in Adolescents and Adults: A Human fMRI Study
Despina Ganella, Katherine Drummond, Eleni Ganella, Sarah Whittle, and Jee Hyun Kim
Functional Connectivity Alterations between Networks and Associations with Infant Immune Health within Networks in HIV Infected Children on Early Treatment: A Study at 7 Years
Jadrana Toich, Paul Taylor, Martha Holmes, Suril Gohel, Mark Cotton, Els Dobbels, Barbara Laughton, Francesca Little, Andre Van Der Kouwe, Bharat Biswal, and Ernesta Meintjes
Linear Representation of Emotions in Whole Persons by Combining Facial and Bodily Expressions in the Extrastriate Body Area
Xiaoli Yang, Junhai Xu, Linjing Cao, Xianglin Li, Peiyuan Wang, Bin Wang, and Baolin Liu
Longitudinal Brain Development of Numerical Skills in Typically Developing Children and Children with Developmental Dyscalculia
Ursina McCaskey, Michael von Aster, Urs Maurer, Ernst Martin, Ruth O'Gorman Tuura, and Karin Kucian
Melatonin Secretion during a Short Nap Fosters Subsequent Feedback Learning
Christian Wiesner, Valentia Davoli, David Schürger, Alexander Prehn-Kristensen, and Lioba Baving
Mirror Box Training in Hemiplegic Stroke Patients Affects Body Representation
Giorgia Tosi, Daniele Romano, and Angelo Maravita
Modulating Spatial Processes and Navigation via Transcranial Electrical Stimulation: A Mini Review
Tad Brunye
Motor Imagery as a Function of Disease Severity in Multiple Sclerosis: An fMRI Study
Andrea Tacchino, Catarina Saiote, Giampaolo Brichetto, Giulia Bommarito, Luca Roccatagliata, Christian Cordano, Mario Alberto Battaglia, Gianluigi Mancardi, and Matilde Inglese
Neural Correlates of Racial Ingroup Bias in Observing Computer-Animated Social Encounters
Yuta Katsumi, and Sanda Dolcos
Neural Correlates of Response Inhibition and Conflict Control on Facial Expressions
Tongran Liu, Tong Xiao, and Jiannong Shi
Positive Classification Advantage: Tracing the Time Course Based on Brain Oscillation
Tianyi Yan, Tiantian Liu, Nan Mu, and Lun Zhao
Racial Bias in Neural Response for Pain Is Modulated by Minimal Group
Fengtao Shen, Yang Hu, Mingxia Fan, Huimin Wang, and Zhao-xin Wang
Self-guided Positive Imagery Training: Effects beyond the Emotions–A Loreta Study
Svetla Velikova, and Bente Nordtug
Sex Differences in Categorical Adaptation for Faces and Chinese Characters during Early Perceptual Processing
Cuiyin Zhu, Xiaoli Ma, Lihong Ji, Shuang Chen, and Xiaohua Cao
Signal Processing in Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS): Methodological Differences Lead to Different Statistical Results
Mischa Pfeifer, Felix Scholkmann, and Rob Labruyère
The Effects of Theta and Gamma tACS on Working Memory and Electrophysiology
Anja Pahor, and Norbert Jaušovec
The Increased Sex Differences in Susceptibility to Emotional Stimuli during Adolescence: An Event-Related Potential Study
Shu Zhang, Yixue Lou, Quanshan Long, Yu Liang, Shixue Xie, Jiemin Yang, and Jiajin Yuan
Two Different Populations within the Healthy Elderly: Lack of Conflict Detection in Those at Risk of Cognitive Decline
Sergio Sanchez-Moguel, Graciela Alatorre-Cruz, Juan Silva-Pereyra, Sofia Gonzalez-Salinas, Javier Sanchez-Lopez, Gloria Otero-Ojeda, and Thalia Fernandez


Perfect Detection of Spikes in the Linear Sub-threshold Dynamics of Point Neurons
Jeyashree Krishnan, PierGianLuca Porta Mana, Moritz Helias, Markus Diesmann, and Edoardo Di Napoli
Re-run, Repeat, Reproduce, Reuse, Replicate: Transforming Code into Scientific Contributions
Fabien Benureau, and Nicolas Rougier
Toward an Improvement of the Analysis of Neural Coding
Javier Alegre-Cortés, Cristina Soto-Sánchez, Ana Albarracín, Fernando Farfán, Mikel Val-Calvo, Jose Ferrandez, and Eduardo Fernandez


Commentary: Retinal Waves Modulate an Intraretinal Circuit of Intrinsically Photosensitive Retinal Ganglion Cells
Yu-Chieh (David) Chen
Fear Learning Regulates Cortical Sensory Representations by Suppressing Habituation
Jeffry Isaacson, Shea Gillet, Hiroyuki Kato, Marissa Justen, and Mandy Lai
Intense Activity of the Raphe Spinal Pathway Depresses Motor Activity via a Serotonin Dependent Mechanism
Jean-François Perrier, Hanne Rasmussen, and Rune Berg
Neuronal Assemblies Evidence Distributed Interactions within a Tactile Discrimination Task in Rats
Camila Deolindo, Ana Carolina Kunicki, Maria Izabel da Silva, Fabricio Lima Brasil, and Renan Moioli
Opposing Cholinergic and Serotonergic Modulation of Layer 6 in Prefrontal Cortex
Daniel Sparks, Michael Tian, Derya Sargin, and Evelyn Lambe


Bayesian Estimation of Phase Dynamics Based on Partially Sampled Spikes Generated by Realistic Model Neurons
Kento Suzuki, Toshio Aoyagi, and Katsunori Kitano
Classification of Alzheimer's Disease, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Cognitively Unimpaired Individuals Using Multi-feature Kernel Discriminant Dictionary Learning
Qing Li, Xia Wu, Lele Xu, Kewei Chen, and Li Yao
Dynamic Hebbian Cross-Correlation Learning Resolves the Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Conundrum
Tjeerd Olde Scheper, Rhiannon Meredith, Huib Mansvelder, Jaap van Pelt, and Arjen van Ooyen
Electroencephalography Amplitude Modulation Analysis for Automated Affective Tagging of Music Video Clips
Andrea Clerico, Abhishek Tiwari, Rishabh Gupta, Srinivasan Jayaraman, and Tiago Falk
Image Processing for Bioluminescence Resonance Energy Transfer Measurement—BRET-Analyzer
Yan Chastagnier, Enora Moutin, Anne-Laure Hemonnot, and Julie Perroy


An Additional Prior Retrieval Alters the Effects of a Retrieval-Extinction Procedure on Recent and Remote Fear Memory
Xianli An, Ping Yang, Siguang Chen, Fenfen Zhang, and Duonan Yu
Associative Agreement as a Predictor of Naming Ability in Alzheimer's Disease: A Case for the Semantic Nature of Associative Links
Gian Daniele Zannino, Roberta Perri, Alice Teghil, Carlo Caltagirone, and Giovanni Carlesimo
Automated Assessment of Endpoint and Kinematic Features of Skilled Reaching in Rats
Ioana Nica, Marjolijn Deprez, Bart Nuttin, and Jean-Marie Aerts
Evidence of Rapid Modulation by Social Information of Subjective, Physiological, and Neural Responses to Emotional Expressions
Martial Mermillod, Delphine Grynberg, Léo Pio Lopez, Magdalena Rychlowska, Brice BEFFARA, Nicolas Vermeulen, Paula Niedenthal, Frederic Dutheil, and SYLVIE DROIT-VOLET
Hippocampal Remapping and Its Entorhinal Origin
Patrick Latuske, Olga Kornienko, Laura Kohler, and Kevin Allen
Metacognitive Aspects of Executive Function Are Highly Associated with Social Functioning on Parent-Rated Measures in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Tonje Torske, Terje Nærland, Merete Øie, Nina Stenberg, and Ole Andreassen
Olanzapine Reverses MK-801-Induced Cognitive Deficits and Region-Specific Alterations of NMDA Receptor Subunits
Xiao Liu, Jitao Li, Chunmei Guo, Hongli Wang, Yaxin Sun, Han Wang, Yun-Ai Su, Keqing Li, and Tianmei Si
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