Last Chance for the Deal of the Year

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Create: 2023-12-02
Update: 2023-12-04
Score: 21
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Hurry Up and Get PRO!


PRO for $29 a year

PRO for $69 for 3 years


Remember when you were a kid, sleeping soundly, dreaming of candy and ninjas and swimming in giant ice cream sundaes… and then you were suddenly woken up by your parents banging on your door like a SWAT team with a warrant, telling you to wake up before you miss the bus to school? Well this email is kind of like that, except what we're reminding you of sucks 100000% less than highschool. There are 24 hours or less left for you to capitalize on the greatest deal Windscribe has - $29 per year for Pro or $69 for a three year membership!

Knock, knock, it's time for school!

There are times in life when a deal comes along that offers so much value, so much utility, and so much convenience, that you would actually be crazy not to get it. Of course we are talking about a 4 month stretch in 1999 when McDonalds offered 29 cent cheeseburgers. Though you may not have had access to that deal, the West Coast of Canada definitely did, and let’s just say that yours truly crushed ten of them every single day during lunch in highschool for the duration of said offer (it would have been more, but the store limit was 10 per visit). Dipped into hot mustard nugget sauce, it was the greatest meal deal a chubby kid could ask for.

This was me, and the girl was nine other cheeseburgers.

Did we model our Cyber Monday deal after a cheeseburger deal? No. Sadly, the ability to eat ten 29 cent cheeseburgers a day for months on end isn’t exactly business strategy reference material - but thanks to a happy coincidence, the $29 a year deal harkens back to a simpler time in life, when companies wanted their users to have their products at a phenomenal price. Hurry up and take advantage of the deal, because it ends at 11:59PM EST on 4/12/23! As we all know, there are a few things you should never miss out on: 1) an anniversary, 2) your mom’s birthday and 3) a deal on Windscribe Pro - doing so could result in death… or worse… your mom being mad at you.

You know that look... we all know that look

Don't forget to check out our ABC’s of the Internet YouTube Shorts - there are juicy little codes hidden inside them that get you crazy prizes (of paying even less)! Btw, later videos have a higher chance of having a working code. Just so you know.

Watch The Shorts

Cheers big ears!

Team Windscribe

Random Fact

"Men are 6 times more likely to be struck by lightning than women."

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