Upcoming aged inventory surcharge assessment

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On April 15, 2023, we increased the surcharges applied to inventory stored between 271 and 365 days.

Additionally, we introduced aged inventory surcharges on inventory stored between 181 and 270 days, excluding products in the Apparel, Shoes, Bags, Jewelry, and Watches categories.

We will continue to charge the aged inventory surcharge, previously known as the long-term storage fee, for units that we store for more than 365 days. These fees are assessed on the 15th day of each month.

Following the most recent assessment, we found units in your inventory that will be subject to either of these fees if they are not sold or removed before this month's assessment date.

You can find your estimated aged inventory surcharge on the FBA Inventory page.

To view your previous fees, go to your Aged Inventory Surcharge report.

You can avoid aged inventory surcharges by submitting a removal order before the assessment date or by setting up automated removals for inventory that is subject to the 365+ day surcharge.

For more information, go to the Aged inventory surcharge help page.

The Fulfillment by Amazon team

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