Amazon Web Services: You have opened a new Support case: 172528990900399

Domain: IP info
MX-server: IP info
Size: 2356 Bytes
Create: 2024-09-02
Update: 2024-09-02
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: |

Thank you for contacting Amazon Web Services.

We have opened case 172528990900399 to address your issue.

The details of your case are as follows:

Case ID: 172528990900399
Account ID: 182399714877
Severity: low

To contact us again about this issue, please use the following link to enter your correspondence or attach any files you think would be useful:

(If you will connect by federation, log in before following the link.)

The Amazon Web Services Team

*Please note: this e-mail was sent from an address that cannot accept incoming e-mail. Please use the appropriate link above if you need to contact us again about this same issue.

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