Feedback from Journal of Carcinogenesis

Domain: IP info
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Size: 2239 Bytes
Create: 2021-09-04
Update: 2021-09-04
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

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Country Name (Long) : Unknown

How did you locate this web site? Internet Search Engine, Word of mouth, Email from another organization, Brochure or flyer, A written publication, Link from another website

Email from another

Brochure or flyer

A written publication

Link from another website

Please rank the website on the following attributes

How easy was it to find this site? Very Easy

How easy was it to find the specific information you wanted? Very Easy

How easy was it to browse and search this site? Very Easy

How would you make it easier to browse or search this site?

How easy was it to read the information in the site? Very Easy

What is the one thing you would change about this site?
This web traffic costs one tenth to 1/100th the cost of Google Adwords and is high quality and targeted specifically for your keywords:

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This web traffic costs one tenth to 1/100th the cost of Google Adwords and is high quality and targeted specifically for your keywords:

Do you have any other suggestions as to how this website could better serve your needs?

Which web browser do you use to access the Internet? NS7   

What is your Internet connection speed? Dialup56k

About you...

Name : Leonore Menard

Email :

Please select the option that best describes you: Primary Care Physician      

Woul d you like the webmaster to respond to this message? : Yes

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