Ahmed, Here\'s 30% Off To Help You Find A Spouse!

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We noticed you decided not to take a subscription with Pure Matrimony...

Asalaamu Alaykum Ahmed

We noticed you decided not to take a subscription with Pure Matrimony...

Maybe you're not entirely convinced it's possible to find a spouse on Pure Matrimony?

Or perhaps you feel it just can't happen to you...

Whatever your thoughts, an average of 50 people get married through Pure Matrimony each WEEK!

But don't take our word for it, listen to what some of our members have to say:

'Asslamu alaykum wa rahmatullah

Alhamdulillah I have found my wife through pure matrimony. Just want to say jazakallah khair from me and my wife, we are both grateful for the service you have provided and for giving us the opportunity to find each other.

May Allah reward every single person behind pure mat for all their hard work and effort, ameen.'

Jahangir (and Taslima)

'I am retired and I have been searching for life mate/spouse for just over one year. I register at Pure Matrimony and I am happy I did. Within a month I was blessed to meet my future spouse! Pure Matrimony is the best way of searching for a spouse in this day and age. Your website has very high standards of Islamic conduct, and values.

Pure Matrimony.com is halal, monitored well and offers a safe way to find a suitable spouse.

My advice to others searching for a spouse is, pray, have honest intentions, think seriously of just what it is in a spouse that is important. To marry for sake of Allah is a blessing.'

S. Al Sayed, age 59

Alhamdulilah our team is blessed to be able to help so many individuals find their practising soulmate...

So maybe we can help you too, Ahmed?

We're not like other matrimonial services who claim they are halal but don't have the necessary features in place to ensure they maintain high codes of Islamic conduct.

We want you to experience the Pure Matrimony difference yourself and are offering you 30% off to find your future spouse insha'Allah!

To get your discount simply click here:


This offer is ONLY available to Exclusive members who make the decision to stay with us... But we must warn you, we can't hold this offer for too long! so click the UPGRADE NOW button below to avail this discount!

*Note: Voucher codes & Special Offers can only be redeemed through the desktop and mobile website version. Voucher codes & Special Offers cannot be redeemed through the App version.

Upgrade Now

May Allah SWT grant you a pious spouse ameen.

Jazakallah Khairan,

Pure Matrimony

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