AvePoint Online Services Update: Account Permissions Changed

From: AOS_Team@avepointonlineservices.com
Domain: IP info avepointonlineservices.com
MX-server: IP info o1.ptr5871.avepointonlineservices.com
Size: 4597 Bytes
Create: 2022-10-25
Update: 2022-10-25
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: www.avepointonlineservices.com | www.avepoint.com |
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Hello admin,

Your account has been promoted to the Tenant Owner role for AvePoint Online Services.

Your user ID is: admin@M365x32406871.onmicrosoft.com

Your account now has elevated permissions to modify and manage AvePoint Online Services system settings. There should be no disruption to your current AvePoint Online Services experience, if you encounter any issues feel free to contact AvePoint support.

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The AvePoint Online Services Team

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