系统退信/Systems bounce

From: postmaster@cacter.com
Domain: IP info cacter.com
MX-server: IP info mail.ticketnew.com
Size: 5652 Bytes
Create: 2024-06-18
Update: 2024-06-18
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Sorry, your mail is returned...

Original e-mail message :
时间/Time : 2024-06-18 01:31:39
主题/Subject : "Eur 385,000.00 Compensation Awarded to you !
收件人/To : sic-csut@csu.edu.cn
Bounce reason :
This error indicates the recipient address never exists, or has been disabled or deleted.
SMTP error, RCPT TO: Host csu.edu.cn(mail.csu.edu.cn) RCPT TO said 550 User not found: sic-csut@csu.edu.cn
Proposed Solution :
  • 邮差温馨提示:请检查对方地址输入是否有误,或者以其他方式联系收件方核对正确地址,或者将信件发送到收件方其他邮箱地址。/
    Warm tips:Please check if it is misspelled. If there are no mistakes,we suggest you Contact the recipient and verify the address again or send to recipient's other available address.
  • 如果您有其他退信问题,欢迎向客服中心联系/
    If you have any other bounce problems, please contact customer service center
Bounce Code :
user not found

This message is generated by Coremail.
您收到的是来自 Coremail 专业邮件系统的信件.