Watch ESG Conference recordings, plus upcoming webinars & more

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The Accelerator


Watch On-Demand Recordings from the ESG
Virtual Conference


On November 15, VelocityEHS certified experts and industry experts delivered insights on core ESG topics during our ESG Virtual Conference. If you missed the event or would like to revisit the sessions, you can now access on-demand recordings using the below links.

ESG Virtual Conference Session Recordings:

  • SEC Disclosure Requirements and The Role of Carbon Management Software (presented with Verdantix)
  • Climate Change and the Intersection of Social and Environmental Pillars of ESG (presented with Frostbyte Consulting)
  • Panel Discussion: How Organizations Can Build Value through Investing in Green Chemistry Strategies
  • How Total Worker Health Initiatives Impact Corporate Sustainability Metrics
  • Panel Discussion: Using Materiality Assessments to Frame Environmental, Social & Governance Measures (presented with Trinity Consultants)
View Recordings

Guide: Using Leading Indicators to Improve Safety Management


Leading indicators should be part of your safety management program, but it can be difficult to find clear explanations of why and how they improve safety, and how to select the right metrics. Download our new guide to learn how to choose leading and lagging metrics that measure the right things at the right times, how to build safety management practices that incorporate a balanced set of metrics, and more.

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Infographic: 5 Keys to Unlock Ergonomics Success


Whether your ergonomics program is new or you are assessing your existing program's efficiency, our new infographic can help you unlock success by outlining the five most impactful keys to help you reduce musculoskeletal disorder risk and keep employees healthy. With each key, you’ll find recommended actions to take and the potential benefits your organization will see after utilizing them.

Download Infographic

Identify, Assess and Eliminate Your Workplace Risks


Drive enhanced collaboration and engagement in your risk management activities with the VelocityEHS Operational Risk solution. It gives you the tools to identify, assess and eliminate risk to your people, property and the environment through hazard studies, bowtie analysis, layers of protection analysis (LOPA), verification scheduling and more, so you can keep your workers informed and verify that controls within your risk pathways are installed and working. Learn more at and contact us for a demo.

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Easily Manage Air, Water and Waste Data


The VelocityEHS Environmental Compliance solution gives you the tools to manage air emissions, water quality and waste compliance data to meet ESG reporting requirements, for your global enterprise or at a single location. Automate data collection in one system, utilize pre-built reports for major source emissions compliance, generate custom forms and upload data from the field, provide access to updated KPIs in real time, and more. Visit for details and contact us for a demo.

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See All Webinars

Free Webinars

VelocityEHS is pleased to bring you our webinar series at no cost to make it easier to get the EHS information you need. See below for upcoming live sessions and  follow us on LinkedIn  to learn about new webinars as soon as they become available.
  • Physical Demands Analysis: The 5 Most Commonly Asked Questions
    • December 1 – Learn more
  • CEU Webinar Series: Preparing for OSHA's Coming HazCom Changes: A Practical Guide
    • December 7 – Learn more
  • Green Chemistry 101: What it is and Why it Matters
    • December 8 – Learn more
  • Risk Management 101: A 3-Part Webinar Series
    • December 13 – Learn more

Recent Blog Topics

Below are some recent topics of interest from our EHS blog. Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn so you're always up-to-date on the latest news and thought leadership from our EHS experts.

  • EPA’s New Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund: What You Need to Know
  • 2023 Updates to the Mexican Ergonomics Standard
  • ISSB Votes to Include Scope 3 Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emission Disclosures in Updates to Draft Standards
  • Post Offer Employment Testing (POET) and Physical Demands Analysis (PDA): How to Improve Safety Performance and Ensure Compliance

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