SKULLION Damnation Edition available now! + New Medicom Sofubi Pre-orders!

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SKULLION Damnation Edition available now! + New Medicom Sofubi Pre-orders!

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Toy Art Gallery

New Sofubi pre-orders from Medicom are now available at Toy Art Gallery!

These awesome releases include two classic Barom One characters and two sweet Kamen Rider Kaijin sets!  

Barom One Damaged Version $80

Udegeruge Kaiju $75

Kamikiri Kid New Color Kaiju Sofubi Set $95

Bat Man Kaiju Sofubi Set $95
The pre-order window closes August 31st so don't miss out! 



Witness the malevolent power of the Skullion Damnation Edition, painstakingly crafted in sulfurous yellow soft vinyl, and adorned with mesmerizing gradient sprays that evoke the very essence of the underworld. Prepare to be entranced by its demonic charm and fiendish beauty!

The SKULLION Damnation Edition includes a guitar and knife and is available now at for $75!


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