Privacy vs. data: Analytics is up for debate.

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Create: 2020-06-23
Update: 2020-06-23
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   June 23, 2020
Keeping tabs, nicely.

Open or click something online, and you’re almost guaranteed a bot’s watching. Data drives today's world. Everyone wants to know which article’s most popular, which product name gets more clicks, how many people are reading emails, and more.

It’s nice when, say, Netflix reminds you of a show you would like, or stops charging you when you stop watching. It’s less nice when the same ad follows you around the internet for weeks.

Privacy’s something Apple’s focused on for years, blocking 3rd party cookies and even keeping sites from knowing what fonts you’ve installed. This year, the App Store is adding privacy details to every app on the App Store. And on the email side, the Basecamp Hey team made their default blocking of tracking pixels a key marketing point versus Superhuman, which lets you track if emails get open.

Which prompts two questions: How do you feel about analytics and privacy? And also, when you're building a site or email list, which analytics tools do you use, and why?

Data vs Privacy: Where do you stand?

This week on Capiche.
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