Re: Patrick from Splash

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Create: 2020-06-24
Update: 2020-07-06
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

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Wanted to follow up on my last note - are virtual events a priority for your team at the moment, or are you all planning ahead for when in-person and hybrid style events are back in the forefront?

Regardless, Splash may be able to support your team in the marketing, reporting, and scaling of your event strategy. Would it be a bad idea to set some time up to chat?


Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate

On Wed, Jun 17, 2020 at 8:55 am, Patrick McCarthy wrote:

Hey Ytajdd - how are you liking the platform so far? 

I’m more than happy to go over any functionalities you need and/or share some high-level strategies to make your event awesome :-) 


Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate

On Fri, Jun 12, 2020 at 1:21 pm, Patrick McCarthy wrote:

Hi Ytajdd,

The support team here let me know that you recently signed up on our platform, which led me to want to reach out and extend a hearty "welcome aboard!" 

My job is to make sure you have a great experience with Splash from the jump. That said, I'm sharing over a few resources that I think will be helpful as you're navigating this newfound "virtual" environment:
  • A Guide to Agile Event Programs that can survive anything (Guide)
  • How to manage events in crisis mode (Webinar)
  • IRL + URL: How to Blend In-Person and Virtual Events (Blog)
  • Marketers "Third Way" When Mega-events Hit Pause (Blog - Eric Holmen, Splash CRO) 
Could you tell me more about the goals of your events and any pain points related to your program so that I can see where to help you optimize your experience? 

Feel free to respond by email, but if possible, let's chat sometime this week or next!

Excited to hear back,

p.s. Explore how to blend in-person and virtual events

Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate