????free webinar: curate buyer personas for real results!

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Hi Ibengkor,

Data is the gasoline that powers every marketing engine. 

You need enough data, you need the right data, and you definitely need to know what to do with it. 

If you do everything right, you’ll have a great understanding of your buyers, send communications at the right time, and get a great return on investment. If you don’t, you’ll have wasted a lot of time and money. 

So, it’s pretty important to do things right. How do you do that? Well, that’s what we’re covering at
Curate Buyer Personas: How to Build Real-World Visitor Profiles that Tell a Story, a webinar we’re doing with our friends at JustUno! 

This totally free virtual webinar is on Tuesday, April 16 at 12pm ET / 9am PT! 

We’re covering: 

  • Using merchandising strategies across site & email
  • Conversational texting insight + Analytics to support SMS strategies beyond capture
  • Perspectives on Ad performance and Q2 guidance 
  • Capturing email and feeding the conversion & feedback flow
  • And more! 

Like I said, it’s totally free. But spots are limited, so register here for a seat now before it’s too late! 


Larry Kim
Founder & CEO

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