Your Content Was Removed from Facebook

Domain: IP info
MX-server: IP info
Size: 1622 Bytes
Create: 2024-01-19
Update: 2024-01-19
Score: 1
Safe: Yes

Hello, We removed the following content you posted on Facebook because we received a notice from a third party that it infringes their copyright: Video uploaded on January 5th, 5:44pm PST, "Rewind Full Movie" The removal decision was made by our technology. If you believe that this content should not have been removed from Facebook, you can contact the complaining party directly to resolve your issue: Report #: 749400793377147 Rights Owner: ABS-CBN Email: Trademark: NOT_APPLICABLE_API If an agreement is reached to restore the reported content, please have the reporting party send us a retraction through the appropriate channel. Facebook complies with the notice and takedown procedures defined in section 512(c) of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (“DMCA”). If you disagree with this decision and believe that the content should not have been removed, you can submit a DMCA counter-notification by filling out our form: You may also have the option of referring your case to an appropriately certified out-of-court dispute settlement body or to your local courts. We strongly encourage you to review the content you have posted to Facebook to make sure that you have not posted any other infringing content, as it's our policy to terminate the accounts of repeat infringers when appropriate. For more information about intellectual property, please visit the Help Center: Thanks, The Facebook Team