???? New from Raygun: Improved custom timings for RUM & supercharge your devs with APM

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Create: 2020-07-23
Update: 2020-07-23
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Track any web performance metric with improved custom timings for Real User Monitoring

Improved custom timings for RUM

Over the past few years, the adoption of Single-Page Applications (SPAs) has continued to grow and as such performance monitoring is evolving. SPAs don't offer the same existing web metrics like load time or first paint from the browser performance API.

As a result, developers require more flexibility to track the metrics that matter to their end-users and business. For this reason, we've made some major improvements to our custom timings feature in Real User Monitoring:

  • Custom timings now support single-page applications. Track any page timing events on virtual pages.
  • Send any number of custom timings, at any point in the application's lifecycle. This means you can track performance timings, even after that initial load is complete.
  • Configurable at the code level, allowing you to seamlessly integrate and manage timings in one place.
  • Better visualizations of custom timings, including giving you the control to decide what to display.
Find out more



We want you! Ruby APM beta testers

Ruby APM beta testers

If you're a Ruby dev, you'll be happy to hear that our APM for Ruby beta is now LIVE! We're always looking for more beta testers and would love to hear your valuable feedback. Interested in giving the beta a go? You can request beta access and we will be in touch with more details.

By the way, the latest release version of the APM Agent is out! Version 1.0.1190 (Jul 23 2020) adds better support for non-.NET technologies (Ruby and Node.js) and bug fixes. Next time you log in to Raygun, you’ll see the banner at the top to download the latest installer.

Sign up to the APM for Ruby beta



APM isn't just for Ops: Shifting Left and supercharging your developers

APM isn't just for Ops

When we were rethinking what an Application Performance Monitoring product could be, we did what we always did. We thought of developers, and the ultimate users that they serve.

It's no surprise then that two years back, we built an all-new take on APM from scratch. One that armed developers with the level of insights that they need to deliver great software.

Fortunately, we seemed to be onto something here. The relics of the past are now starting to talk about "shifting left", meaning "moving to the left on the SDLC", meaning "empower the developers to get in earlier in the delivery to ensure a great outcome".

Getting developers involved earlier is nearly always a huge positive. DevOps helped demonstrate that owning the delivery helped improve the quality of the outcomes. Having an APM that helps with this is just as important.

Find out more



RUM and APM: Your solution for building better user experiences

APM agent release

We have now released the In the pursuit of building fast, performant software, you’ve likely come across performance monitoring products like Real User Monitoring (RUM) and Application Performance Monitoring (APM). In this article, we go deeper into how using RUM and APM can help you and your team build better software experiences.

RUM surfaces meaningful diagnostic information on front-end performance so you can ship fast, performant front-end code, and deliver the best possible user experience.

APM monitors the performance of server-side code and offers detailed code-level insights into how to improve it, helping you to reduce infrastructure costs and to create a faster application for your users.

Find out more



Detect Content Security Policy (CSP) violations with Raygun

Detect CSP violations

A Content Security Policy (CSP) is an added layer of security that helps to detect and mitigate certain types of attacks, including Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and data injection attacks. These attacks are used for everything from data theft to site defacement to the distribution of malware.

Whilst blocking attacks is important, it is also useful to be notified of attacks when they happen. A breach could bring your organization to a halt — from broken webpages to data breaches.

Raygun Crash Reporting now supports capturing CSP violations. You can now configure the reporting API to send violation reports to Raygun and we'll transform them into a detailed crash report. Your team will gain unrivaled detail into the violation diagnostics so you can be alerted to issues quickly, and resolve them faster with details including which page and even the customer that was affected.

Find out more



Make the move - consolidate your monitoring tools with Raygun and receive up to $20K*

Make the move and receive up to $20K

In today's current climate, there is an increased pressure on teams to ensure software quality across the whole stack, all while being cost-effective. It’s no easy task! But we know that consolidating tools can help. Through this time we’ve seen customers standardising on the Raygun suite of products to help their business achieve more, with less.

Resolving performance problems becomes faster and more cost effective when your whole team has access to performance data without needing to correlate between disparate tools. If you consolidate monitoring tools the right way, you can unlock the full power of your application monitoring stack and save money while you do it. Read on to learn more about how Raygun’s performance monitoring suite helped three high-performing teams.

Find out more

*Limited time offer. Terms and conditions apply.


New to Raygun or have a great feature suggestion for us?
  New to Raygun tips

New to Raygun or just want a refresher course?
In this article, we share some insights, strategies and tactics to help make your software bug free and faster. The topics include: how best to set up environments, how to gain more control over your error grouping, how to reduce your error volumes and more.

Have a feature idea for us?
Head over to our Raygun Crash Reporting, Real User Monitoring and APM feature request forums and submit yours today. We're always working on a combination of our customers feedback and our own secret additions that we think you'll love.


That's a wrap!


You're all up to date on the latest changes to the Raygun Platform.

We will be back next month to give you another product update for Raygun Crash Reporting, Real User Monitoring and Application Performance Monitoring.

Stay healthy and stay safe!

Zheng Li

Zheng Li
VP of Product at Raygun