What happened when I got hacked?

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Create: 2021-11-18
Update: 2021-11-18
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Blackfoot Business Quarterly

November 2021
Check out this issue's content: 
Jot it Down with J.P.  •
  Meet Our Team  •  Blackfoot Beat    Recent News

Jot it Down with J.P. 

I remember the first (and only) time my computer was hacked. My greatest concern was whether they had gained access to any of my personal or financial information. It was very unsettling.

I had installed some remote access software on my computer so that I could access my files while traveling for work. This was common practice at the time and many years before the cloud existed. One evening after dinner, I went into my home office to finish some work. When I walked in, I could see someone else controlling my computer, opening files, and rummaging through my personal information. I felt violated and I needed to hire valuable professional assistance to evaluate and resolve my situation.

At Blackfoot Communications, we have a motto regarding cybersecurity attacks – it’s not if, but when. That’s why we do everything in our power to proactively protect Blackfoot’s network and customer information. However, in the event Blackfoot ever experiences a breach, our highly skilled cybersecurity response team will activate our incidence plan. This framework is designed to quickly thwart and mitigate the attack so we can resume normal operations as soon as possible.

The adage “when you fail to plan, you plan to fail” applies to cybersecurity. I recommend educating yourself on how to best protect you and your company from a cyberattack. Our business team is a great resource to learn more about protecting your business.

In today’s digitally-driven world, we must all be diligent about cybersecurity. Give us a call, our experts are glad to help.

P.S. How can we do better for your business?

My priority is ensuring our team exceeds your needs. I want to hear your thoughts. Get in touch: blackfootbusiness.com/jp

Meet Our Team

Judy Geer
Channel Development Manager

Judy Geer joined Blackfoot Communications in 2014 and has served in several capacities on our sales team, including Account Executive, Retail Sales Manager and her current role, Channel Development Manager. Through these experiences, Judy has witnessed the benefits of strategic partnerships to the mutual benefit of our customers and partner companies. In her current role, Judy leverages her expertise, work ethic and deep relationships to support Blackfoot's trusted channel partners in delivering our services across the region. In her free time, Judy enjoys spending time at Flathead Lake with her husband and children. Get in touch: jgeer@blackfoot.com

Blackfoot Beat

Business Managed WiFi
What is managed WiFi and how is it beneficial for your business? Hear from Blackfoot's Director of Operations, Mary Worden, about our new managed WiFi Cisco solution that can be easily deployed, scaled and maintained.

Recent News

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