what my mom taught me about marketing

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Hi Ibengkor,

When I was growing up, my mom was a piano teacher. And she taught me everything I know about marketing. 

Being a successful piano teacher isn’t just about teaching piano.

Like many small business owners, on top of being the talent, she was CEO, CMO, and CFO. And she was the best in the business.

We lived right next to a school so that the location would be convenient for her clients. 

She advertised in church and school bulletins so new students could find her.

And she made sure she was more expensive than the competition. Why? 

Because parents who were bargain-hunting didn’t expect their kids to stick with piano. More new customers isn't the key to building a sustainable business; more long-term, dedicated customers is.

And that’s marketing in a nutshell: know who your customers are and get the right message to them at the right time.

That’s the vision that's guided me as the founder and CEO of Customers.ai. Our tool helps creators do exactly this: identify who is visiting your website, engage and nurture them, and gain more customers!

You can apply my mom's business methods to your business (or close to it) with a free advertising audit by me, Larry Kim.

This week only, you can apply for a chance to receive a Meta Ads Audit.

This is a special offer we're giving to attendees of the Ad Universe Summit that we've extended to SSLM.

Learn more about how to apply and what's included. The deadline to apply is in 3 days.

PS - You can watch the Ad Universe Summit on-demand replay this week before it goes into the archive.


Larry Kim
Founder & CEO

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