[ osmgmtservices ] Activate Account

From: info@osmgmtservices.com
Domain: IP info osmgmtservices.com
MX-server: IP info linux.datanethostingsolutions.com
Size: 959 Bytes
Create: 2021-06-25
Update: 2021-06-25
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: hrms.osmgmtservices.com

Welcome to osmgmtservices!

Thanks for joining osmgmtservices. We listed your sign in details below, make sure you keep them safe.

To verify your email address, please follow this link:
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Please verify your email within 48 hours, otherwise your registration will become invalid and you will have to register again.

Your username: maman123
Your email address: ib6ub9ok@jobstoknow.com
Your password: maman123

Have fun!
The osmgmtservices Team