Re: Patrick from Splash

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Create: 2020-06-23
Update: 2020-07-06
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Hey Resu,

Do you feel like you have all the resources you need at this time?

In case your team is moving into the world of virtual events, I wanted to share this community inspiration hub we’ve created with a ton of real-time examples! One of the biggest challenges when it comes to virtual events is engaging your audience in fresh, creative ways, so I think it’s really powerful to see what other brands are doing.  

Totally understand that many in-person experiences are difficult to execute as an online event, and you probably have enough on your plate as is. But if you have some time, I think it'd be an absolute gamechanger to see how other users are leveraging the platform now to keep their folks engaged during and after their events.

Might you have 20-30 min. Thursday afternoon?

Excited to hear back,

p.s. Explore the fundamentals of webinars and other virtual events in our new guide From Event Expert to Webinar Whiz

Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate

On Fri, Jun 19, 2020 at 2:34 pm, Patrick McCarthy wrote:

Hey Resu - How're you liking the platform so far? 

Given the ongoing public health concerns and shift this has created in the event landscape, I was eager to hear how you're approaching the whole situation.

I'm more than happy to share best practices and ideas we’re seeing with some of our power users, who've been transitioning to virtual and hybrid programming to keep engaged with all their audiences - and ultimately help close the gap live / in-person experiences have left in the pipeline.


Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate

On Tue, Jun 16, 2020 at 2:33 pm, Patrick McCarthy wrote:

Hi Resu, 

The support team here let me know that you had recently signed up - welcome aboard! I wanted to touch base as a resource on our end to share best practices and strategies that will help you get the most out of using Splash for your events. 

I've included a few pieces below that I thought would be helpful as you're navigating this newfound "virtual" environment:
  • A Guide to Agile Event Programs that can survive anything (Guide)
  • How to manage events in crisis mode (Webinar)
  • IRL + URL: How to Blend In-Person and Virtual Events (Blog)
  • Marketers "Third Way" When Mega-events Hit Pause (Blog - Eric Holmen, Splash CRO) 
If you are still looking to make the pivot to digital events, let me know! I'm happy to provide guidance or share some techniques you can use to make that a seamless and successful transition for you and your attendees.

Either way, I'd love to learn about your experience thus far and the goals/objectives of your events to see which features will help you the most.

Perhaps you're free to connect sometime later this week?

With gratitude and good health, 

Patrick McCarthy
Brand Associate