PENTING BANGET: Your Ad Account is disabled from advertising

Domain: IP info
MX-server: IP info
Size: 23358 Bytes
Create: 2024-09-23
Update: 2024-09-23
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: | | |
You can request a review if you believe your account shouldn't be restricted.  ‌
Your Ad Account is disabled from advertising
Hi Ap,

After a review of your Ad Account , it is now restricted from advertising because of violations of our Account Integrity and Authentic Identity policy because it is closely linked with a network of accounts or other entities that violate or evade our policies.

This account and any ads or boosted posts that were running are now disabled.

If you believe this was incorrectly restricted, you can request a review by clicking on the button below.

Kita nggunakake teknologi kanggo ndheteksi planggaran iki lan teknologi kanggo nggayuh kaputusan iki. Planggaran Standar Iklan kita sing luwih lanjut bisa nyebabake akun sampeyan dinonaktifake utawa diwatesi.

Ad Account


Ad Account, ads and other advertising assets

What you can do

Request another review
You can request another review of this decision if you believe your Ad Account shouldn't be restricted. Once you have requested another review it usually takes a few days to receive another decision.
Fix issue
You can also visit the Business Help Center to learn more about advertising restrictions.