Oxalate is the real reason why you form this stone type.
Oxalates are abundant in plants.
Plants use them to defend themselves against species trying to eat them.
That's why they cause many health problems, including kidney stones.
So, how did calcium get a bad name?
Here are three reasons why: 1. Wrong dietary source🌾
Plant-based milk alternatives, such as almond milk, soy milk, and oat milk are gaining more and more popularity.
However, they are mostly high in oxalates which is why you're at higher risk of kidney stones the more you drink them.
Again, the problem is not calcium but oxalates 🥴
Make sure to get calcium from animal-based sources because animal products don't have oxalates 💯
✅ Diary products (milk, cheese, and yogurt)
✅ Egg shell
✅ Bone meal
✅ Grass-fed beef bones
✅ Bone broth
✅ Mineral water (in glass bottle)
The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for calcium is 1,200mg 💪 2. Synthetic calcium supplements 💊
Calcium from synthetic sources is not utilized efficiently by the body.
This makes sense because our body is not meant to consume artificial nutrients.
So, the majority of calcium you get from synthetic supplements end up in the urine, where it binds with oxalate
and forms stones.
We recommend obtaining calcium from food sources rather than relying heavily on supplements. 3. Synthetic vitamin D supplements 💊
Vitamin D helps calcium absorption in the gut.
So, the more Vitamin D you take, the more calcium will be absorbed.
You need to get vitamin D from natural sources such as food and sunlight.
Months of taking supplements may cause toxicity resulting to high urinary calcium, which increases your stone risk
Vitamin D intake should be around 0.015 mg or 600 International Units (IU) per day. Don't believe the myth that calcium is the reason you are forming kidney stones.
It will only be a problem if you are getting calcium from the wrong sources 😬
If you want to take the right dietary route but don't know where to start, check out our Coaching Program.
This program will help you scrutinize your diet without having to begin from scratch.
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