Listen to the Brand New Episode of the Ted And Austin Broer Show 1-26-2024

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Create: 2024-01-26
Update: 2024-01-27
Score: 2
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Click Here To Listen To The Most Recent Commercial Free Episode Of The Ted And Austin Broer Show



Show Description:


Episode 2203

Must listen show!

Full teaching on the Blood of Christ and what it has done for the human race.

This is that show.

The hope we have in Christ Jesus!

Ted does a book review on the space fence and the coming planetary lock down.

This show also ties together Quantum mechanics, Christianity, transhumanism, CERN, anti matter, D wave computers and their demonic interface, the mark of the beast.

We discuss in detail what it truly means to be a Christian.

Plus much much more!

This is a must listen show!


***Click to read the Daily News Articles***


Hosts: Ted & Austin Broer


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