Introducing Reservio POS!

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Introducing a free beta version of POS!

As part of our mission to provide you with the best tools for business management, we're taking a giant leap forward. We're thrilled to announce the launch of our new Point of Sale (POS) system. Offer and sell physical products, manage the tax rates for services and products, and speed up the checkout. Our POS is available as a beta version to all Reservio users, regardless of your country or plan. Try it out and see if it fits your needs.

Try POS now!

Read more about Reservio POS system

POS System in Beta

Learn what our beta version contains, how it works and what you need to do to start using it today!

The Reservio Story: From Early Days to Reservio 2.0

Read about Reservio’s journey from a simple online scheduling calendar to launching POS to become a business assistant.

Point of Sales Help Center

Explore detailed guides on all functions of our Point of Sales system and learn to use it fast.

Download Reservio Business app for free

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