5959609etrwsyi200.top has been deleted from your Cloudflare account

From: noreply@notify.cloudflare.com
Domain: IP info notify.cloudflare.com
MX-server: IP info mta-87-158.sparkpostmail.com
Size: 480 Bytes
Create: 2024-09-14
Update: 2024-09-16
Score: 3
Safe: Yes

Hello, The zone: "5959609etrwsyi200.top" in account: "Herschmelton@btcmod.com's Account" was deleted by lewiek@jagomail.com on 2024-09-14T11:32:20.782899516Z. If the zone was deleted by mistake, you can add the zone back to reinstate existing configuration of the zone. You can read more about zone deletions by following the link below: https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/articles/221327488-Why-was-my-domain-deleted-from-Cloudflare- Thank you, The Cloudflare Team