Your Smile Brilliant order #SBR-0538322 has been refunded

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Size: 11408 Bytes
Create: 2023-12-19
Update: 2023-12-19
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Smile Brilliant

Order Refund: Order SBR-0538322

Hi Bayqa,

Your order on Smile Brilliant has been refunded. There are more details below for your reference:

[Order #SBR-0538322] (12/18/2023)

Product Quantity Price
Individual Package: cariPRO Electric toothbrush with 2 replacement brush heads 1 $54
Exclusive Offer: 2 cariPRO replacement brush heads 1 $14
Subtotal: $68
Shipping: USPS Parcel Select Mail (2-8 Days) - FREE
Payment method: Credit/Debit Card
Order fully refunded. -$68.00
Total: $68.00 $0.00

Billing address

Bayqa Duy
11736 Northeast Sacramento Street Portland OR USA
Oregon, OR 97220

Shipping address

Bayqa Duy
11736 Northeast Sacramento Street Portland OR USA
Oregon, OR 97220

We hope to see you again soon.