Update regarding your Destaco inquiry

From: suraj.pillai@vertexcs.com
Domain: IP info vertexcs.com
MX-server: IP info smtp15-ia4-sp4.mta.salesforce.com
Size: 5044 Bytes
Create: 2022-02-01
Update: 2023-06-30
Score: 10
Safe: Yes

Test QA,


Thank you for your interest in Destaco products. In order to serve you best, we would like to connect you with an expert in your area. Our partner can help you identify a solution that will fit your need and fulfill your request for a quote or order.


Below is the contact information for our partner in your area: 

Company Name: Applied Automation Controls Inc

Contact Name: Dan Swenton

Address: 1240 Wolf St,Syracuse,NY,United States,

Phone: +1.315.453.5670

Email: dswenton@appliedautomation.com

Please expect a call from them shortly.


You may also reach out to me personally at: 




Thanks again for your interest in Destaco products and we look forward to assisting you.


Best Regards,

Fred Voogel
