iPay88 Sandbox - Payment details (Ref# T1299238200)

From: support@ipay88.co.id
Domain: IP info ipay88.co.id
MX-server: IP info o1.ptr7477.ipay88.com.ph
Size: 2686 Bytes
Create: 2024-07-24
Update: 2024-07-24
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

This transaction is done in Sandbox environment, it will not involve real money.


We are pleased to inform you that your online payment via iPay88 is successful. Your credit card/bank account has been debited with IDR 3,996,000.00.

Please note that Mandiri VA OY will be listed in your credit card/bank statement for this transaction.

Transaction Detail
Order No : SUBS-20240724-001-525149033
Transaction ID : T1299238200
Transaction Date : 24-Jul-2024 4:38:09 PM
Transaction Amount : IDR 3,996,000.00
Payment Type : Mandiri VA
Product Description : Pembayaran Iuran Membership Tipe Platinum 3 Tahun

Customer Support
If you have any questions about our product and services,
please contact Anggada Duta Wisesa, PT. (pengadaan.com) directly at:

Tel No: 021-7202630
Please do not reply to this email as it was automatically generated.

*iPay88 is an Online Payment Switching Gateway provided by iPay88 Indonesia. For more information, please visit www.ipay88.co.id