Introducing Spotlight & the new Nifty Gateway Homepage Experience ????

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Create: 2023-11-13
Update: 2023-12-18
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We’re delighted to announce a new Nifty Gateway homepage experience. Our revamped homepage delivers an enhanced UI/UX, introduces our new Spotlight section,  features an easier site navigation to discover live & upcoming drops, and the beta version of “For You” personalized art recommendations. 


Spotlight gives members of the community a platform to share their unique perspectives by featuring hand picked selections of works from NG’s secondary market, offering new ways of engaging with art and artists through storytelling. 


To kick things off, we’re thrilled to deliver curated picks from Roger Dickerman, 33, Bhare, and Schauermann.


Today’s homepage updates are the first steps towards delivering a more customized experience, and we’re looking forward to continuing to improve the ways you interact with digital art. Take a look and let us know what you think by submitting "Product Feedback" here. 


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