Solve Real Global Issues | $30k in Funding | Apply Today

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Non-trivial: Start solving the world's most pressing problems

Start Solving Real Global Issues

At age 18, Mary Shelley started writing Frankenstein. Shelley and other prodigies shared a common trait: rather than waiting for permission, they took action.

Our fellowship is looking for teenagers with that same drive. In our 8-week summer program, you’ll tackle some of humanity’s defining challenges like artificial intelligence, biosecurity, and climate change.

Plus, you’ll join a world-class cohort and there’s $30,000 in funding for the most impactful projects.

Don’t stop at having ‘potential’. Start solving the world’s most pressing problems.

Apply today
a collage of portraits of previous fellows

Start Making a Tangible Difference

World-Class Community

Fellows will be selected through a competitive process and join a global community of committed peers.

Land an Internship

Previous fellows’ projects have helped them secure  impactful internships and funding.

$500 Scholarship

All fellows receive a $500 scholarship and are eligible for $30,000 in funding for their projects.

Jason standing in front of a line of flags at the UN

“We have worked on and started a project which will aid malnourishment and feed the world in a time of crisis- had I told this to me in 2022, I would never have believed it…”

Diana, 16 (UK)

Project: GM mushrooms as resilient food for low light disasters

Apply today

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C/O Effective Ventures
Trajan House, Mill Street
Oxford, Oxfordshire OX2 0DJ
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