It’s incredible to look back and see how tech has changed, how many of the things we just expect to work today would have seemed magical years ago.
And yet, sometimes the basics are still broken. Email’s the service every generation likes to reinvent, but it’s not alone. File management is still frustrating, more so with our “files” spread across dozens of services. Chat services are ubiquitous, but none work together. APIs and integrations make no-code development a reality, yet you need ever more tools to tie everything together. In-app search never seems to be perfect.
That’s before you get into privacy, always-on notifications, and the harder tech challenges of battery life and environmental issues.
In Jason Fried's AMA on Capiche yesterday, @croix asked him what he'd work on if he had unlimited time and resources. Which made us wonder:
If you could work on and change anything in tech, what's the one tech problem you would want to solve?