Just added: 6 new design & business case studies, plus open design roles at our portfolio companies

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Design for Business Impact 2020

In 2020, we added six new case studies to our Design for Business Impact library. Speakers from Dropbox, Twitter, Slack, Zendesk, Pinterest, and Gusto shared how design made a difference for their business by highlighting stories about rebrands, IPOs, growth experiments and more. 

Find videos of each of these talks in our case study library, where you can explore how design can be a strategic advantage at your company.

If your company would like to collaborate on an upcoming Design for Business Impact event in 2021, reach out to businessimpact@designerfund.com

New design roles at Designer Fund companies 

Chromatic is seeking a Lead Product Designer to work on everything from evolving their current UX patterns to imagining new workflows and creating marketing materials.

Gusto is looking for a  Head of Product Design to work with leadership across the company to tie business and company goals back into the design organization.

Notion is seeking a Product Designer to craft every detail of new product features, from idea to UX to pixel-perfect execution.

Remotion is hiring a
Senior Product Designer to lead large projects end-to-end, spanning all product surface areas, from core product to growth.
If you're interested in more unique opportunities to join companies who value design, sign up here.

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