Domain: IP info
MX-server: IP info
Size: 18241 Bytes
Create: 2020-10-30
Update: 2020-10-30
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: |

Yes, the interest check for the month of October


Thanks for following up!



From: Jason Sussman
Sent: Thursday, October 29, 2020 11:11 PM
Subject: Re:


Are you missing any interest checks?






On Thursday, October 29, 2020, 9:57:36 AM EDT, <> wrote:



Good morning,


We have $400K in there now.  On September 2, we put in a request to withdraw $100K, which hopefully we will get in March.



Sent from Mail for Windows 10


From: Jason Sussman
Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2020 8:23 PM
Subject: Re:


How much $ do you still have invested in the 10.00% non-IRA investment?






On Wednesday, October 28, 2020, 12:42:41 PM EDT, <> wrote:



Hello Jason,  hope you and the family are well.


I VERY MUCH appreciate your email.   I have been texting & emailing Brian Schwartz and every few days I get a message that the  monthly interest check is being overnighted to me and I will receive the next day – yet it never comes.


I just don’t understand why Marshall & Eric can’t just send an email blast to all the investors letting them know what the situation is.  Month after month it is still and issue and I am sure John & I are not the only ones questioning
“what is going on?  Maybe I should withdraw all my money?”


So relieved to get an honest answer from you.  And that’s all that everyone wants is to be kept up to date, so people aren’t going nuts not knowing what is going on.


Stay safe!


Kind regards,

Darlene & John


From: Jason Sussman
Sent: Tuesday, October 27, 2020 3:49 PM
To: Darlene Ross


Hope you're doing well and trust me, I wish that I had the power to help. I am more than disgusted. I'm told that Seeman Holtz is extremely close to the finish line of a huge recapitalization (including their behemoth Property & Casualty division), which I'm told will put and end to these issues permanently

I received this information recently from a trusted 3rd party and I deem this information as accurate and true per thorough investigation. They have been late with my parents' interest payments as well, whom have their life savings of $1,200,000 invested, so I have to deal with my father's angst on a daily basis. This is disgraceful and their total lack of clarity and communication to their clients and agents is despicable. This places me in a very precarious position, as I have ZERO power to push client's payments through. 




