Is it true? What parents say about MEL Science

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MEL Science

What do kids and parents

about MEL Science?

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We did our first Mel Science 🧪 kit today and the kids loved it! We actually did 2 separate experiments and it was super fun!


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…Dominic and I built a hydraulic lift today ...had a lot of fun!... 😂


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… now we are learning chemistry and physics with no stress. My science obsessed son is in heaven 😍 This is the best subscription ever!...


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Very, very cool. John has cool samples of charcoal, graphite, and diamond. He said, "Science rocks."...


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STEM  5–9+

for those who are as bright as a button

MEL STEM helps kids understand

how everyday devices work.

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Chemistry  10–16+

for the chemically attracted

Experiment with the kits and dive into substances with the VR app.

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Physics  8–14+

for the electrified ones

MEL Physics explains how the surrounding world works through firsthand experience.

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Unlock your child’s love of science with 50% off your 1st kit

Promo code: SAVE50
We adore science and want to share it with children!

We adore science and want to share it with children!

MEL Science


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MEL Science, Burnham Yard, London End, Buckinghamshire, Beaconsfield, HP9 2JH, United Kingdom