5 reasons why MEL Science is worth trying.

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And 30% off your 1st science kit
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And 30% off your 1st science kit
MEL Science
What makes MEL Science special? Let me guess!

And contains all the necessary equipment and chemicals so there’s no need to search high and low for resources.

Kids can complete the experiments multiple times and come up with their own using the same equipment.

Made by scientists, for kids. It’s tested, safe, educational, and hands-on. You don’t need to be a scientist yourself!

Each experiment is on its own card and includes a scientific description and the theory behind it.

Our virtual assistant will guide your kid through all the experiments, even the complicated ones.

We have a variety of topics for every interest and age

Grab 30% off your 1st kit to try one!
Promo code: WELCOME30


Ages 5–10+


Your entry ticket to science


Ages 8–14+

MEL Physics

Explore how things work

Try MEL Physics
MEL Chemistry

Ages 10–16+

MEL Chemistry

Your personal chemistry lab delivered

Try MEL Chemistry

Grab 30% off your
1st kit with
promo code:

We adore science and want to share it with children!

We adore science and want to share it with children!

MEL Science


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