What do you need?

From: jessica@jessicajonesdesign.com
Domain: IP info jessicajonesdesign.com
MX-server: IP info mail50.suw13.rsgsv.net
Size: 19260 Bytes
Create: 2020-08-25
Update: 2020-08-25
Score: 0
Safe: Yes

Outbound domains: jessicajonesdesign.us2.list-manage.com

Hello flugkomf,

As I’m typing this email, it feels weird to write to someone I probably don't know anything about. 

I imagine you as my friend or colleague. Maybe you’re on your computer trying to delete as many emails as you can before diving into the work. Maybe you're in bed on your phone and feeling bad for not getting up or not going to sleep.

I don’t want to clog your inbox with useless stuff. Would you help me make emails (or groups? little classes? chats?) that are useful to you? What would you like to hear about?

I made a speedy 60-second survey. Check off things that interest you, or list other topics on your mind. 

Do the survey

Answers will be totally anonymous and visible so we can all see what folks are thinking about. (There are 884 people on this mailing list, to give you an idea, with an average of 2 new signups a day.)

Thanks much. Talk to you soon!

Oh—if you’re wondering why you got this email, it’s because you signed up on my site, jessicajonesdesign.com. But if you want to clean up your inbox, I applaud you. You can stop these any time. Update your preferences or unsubscribe.

Jessica Jones
Address available upon request
Newport, KY 41071

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