Open design roles at our portfolio companies and Designer Fund + Diversity & Inclusion Update

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Create: 2021-04-01
Update: 2021-04-02
Score: 1
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Our continued commitment to building a more inclusive design & venture ecosystem

Last year we announced a number of initiatives in solidarity with Black and underrepresented founders and designers in our community. As part of holding ourselves accountable to these commitments, we want to share what we've been up to: 

  • Invested in Revi; learn more about Black CEO and co-founder Eugene Johnson

  • Connected with more Black investors

  • Added Black advisors Kat Vellos and Jared Erondu alongside existing advisors like Dantley Davis

  • Hosted office hours for BIPOC founders

  • Gave 10 scholarships to underrepresented designers to our Business Essentials for Designers Workshop

  • Donated to Inneract Project and Streetcode Academy

Read the full update
Work with our portfolio companies 

Foundation is hiring a Senior Product Designer that loves tackling ambiguous problems and shaping them into clear goals.

Formation is seeking a Senior Product Designer who loves doing end to end design work and can manage projects autonomously.

Chromatic is seeking a Lead Product Designer to evolve UX patterns and imagine new workflows, and a Head of Product to ship world class software.

IRL is looking for  a Product Designer (mobile) to contribute to high-level strategic decisions alongside product and executive teams.

The Landing is looking for Product Designer eager to dive into many different parts of product, including brand and marketing.

If you're interested in more unique opportunities to join companies who value design, sign up here.
Join our team

Designer Fund is looking for a Community Manager who is passionate about professional development and helping build great design teams, and a Content Strategist to drive content initiatives that help early stage founders execute on design.
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