next VOGAY International Group\'s meeting

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Hey folks,

You are welcome to join us this wednesday evening for the next VOGAY International Group's meeting.

This time will be an Oyster & Co special at the PinUp. Gracias Indirha.


Wednesday November 27th

starting at 18h30


Pin-Up Bar

Rue Marterey 31

1005 Lausanne

metro Ours


The PinUp bar proposition are oyster, shrimps and wine.

But if you don’t like to swallow moluscs you can still order food from other local takeaway.

Have a drink and eat something, catch up with old friends and make some new ones too !

Please vote below to have a seat.

Les francophones sont les bienvenus également J


Also note that our next meeting on Dec 13th will be the last of this year with a fondue evening.

More info will come…


Looking forward to seeing you there.



Alan Apprederisse (il/he)
Groupe International
078 885 87 79

\/\/\/\/\ VOGAY 
Association vaudoise pour la
diversité sexuelle et de genre

Rue Pépinet 1  (4e étage)
1003 Lausanne
021 555 20 10